MegaWiFi 1.5
MegaWiFi API documentation

MegaWiFi API implementation. More...


 Pins used to control WiFi module.

Data Structures

struct  mw_ap_data
 Access Point data. More...


 API version implemented, major number. More...
 API version implemented, minor number. More...
#define MW_COMMAND_TOUT_MS   1000
 Timeout for standard commands in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_CONNECT_TOUT_MS   10000
 Timeout for TCP connections. More...
#define MW_HTTP_OPEN_TOUT_MS   10000
 Timeout for HTTP open command in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_SCAN_TOUT_MS   10000
 Timeout for the AP scan command in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_ASSOC_TOUT_MS   20000
 Timeout for the AP associate command in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_ASSOC_WAIT_SLEEP_MS   5000
 Time to sleep before waiting for assoc in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_UPGRADE_TOUT_MS   180000
 Timeout for upgrade command in milliseconds. More...
#define MW_STAT_POLL_MS   250
 Milliseconds between status polls while in wm_ap_assoc_wait() More...
#define MW_SSID_MAXLEN   32
 Maximum SSID length (including '\0'). More...
#define MW_PASS_MAXLEN   64
 Maximum password length (including '\0'). More...
#define MW_NTP_POOL_MAXLEN   80
 Maximum length of an NTP pool URI (including '\0'). More...
#define MW_NUM_CFG_SLOTS   3
 Number of AP configurations stored to nvflash. More...
#define MW_NUM_DNS_SERVERS   2
 Number of DSN servers supported per AP configuration. More...
#define MW_FSM_QUEUE_LEN   8
 Length of the FSM queue. More...
#define MW_MAX_SOCK   3
 Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections. More...
#define MW_CTRL_CH   0
 Control channel used for LSD protocol. More...
#define MW_HTTP_CH   LSD_MAX_CH - 1
 Channel used for HTTP requests and cert sets. More...
#define MW_CMD_MIN_BUFLEN   168
#define mw_tcp_disconnect(ch)   mw_close(ch)
 Closes a TCP socket. This is an alias of mw_close(). More...
#define mw_udp_unset(ch)   mw_close(ch)
 Frees a UDP socket. This is an alias of mw_close(). More...
#define mw_module_reset()   do{uart_set_bits(MCR, MW__RESET);}while(0)
 Puts the WiFi module in reset state. More...
#define mw_module_start()   do{uart_clr_bits(MCR, MW__RESET);}while(0)
 Releases the module from reset state. More...


enum  mw_err
 Error codes for MegaWiFi API functions. More...
enum  mw_http_method
 Supported HTTP methods. More...
enum  mw_if_type
 Interface type for the mw_bssid_get() function. More...


int16_t mw_init (char *cmd_buf, uint16_t buf_len)
 Module initialization. Must be called once before using any other function. It also initializes de UART. More...
static void mw_process (void)
 Processes sends/receives pending data. More...
void mw_cmd_data_cb_set (lsd_recv_cb cmd_recv_cb)
 Sets the callback function to be run when network data is received while waiting for a command reply. More...
enum mw_err mw_detect (uint8_t *major, uint8_t *minor, char **variant)
 Performs the startup sequence for the WiFi module, and tries detecting it by requesting the version data. More...
enum mw_err mw_version_get (uint8_t version[3], char **variant)
 Obtain module version numbers and string. More...
uint8_t * mw_bssid_get (enum mw_if_type interface_type)
 Gets the module BSSID (the MAC address) for the specified interface. More...
enum mw_err mw_default_cfg_set (void)
 Set default module configuration (AKA factory settings). More...
enum mw_err mw_ap_cfg_set (uint8_t slot, const char *ssid, const char *pass, enum mw_phy_type phy_type)
 Set access point configuration (SSID and password). More...
enum mw_err mw_ap_cfg_get (uint8_t slot, char **ssid, char **pass, enum mw_phy_type *phy_type)
 Gets access point configuration (SSID and password). More...
enum mw_err mw_ip_cfg_set (uint8_t slot, const struct mw_ip_cfg *ip)
 Set IPv4 configuration. More...
enum mw_err mw_ip_cfg_get (uint8_t slot, struct mw_ip_cfg **ip)
 Get IPv4 configuration. More...
enum mw_err mw_wifi_adv_cfg_set (const struct mw_wifi_adv_cfg *wifi)
 Set advanced WiFi configuration. More...
struct mw_wifi_adv_cfgmw_wifi_adv_cfg_get (void)
 Get advanced WiFi configuration. More...
enum mw_err mw_cfg_save (void)
 Saves changed configuration parameters to non-volatile memory. More...
enum mw_err mw_ip_current (struct mw_ip_cfg **ip)
 Get current IP configuration, of the joined AP. More...
int16_t mw_ap_scan (enum mw_phy_type phy_type, char **ap_data, uint8_t *aps)
 Scan for access points. More...
int16_t mw_ap_fill_next (const char *ap_data, uint16_t pos, struct mw_ap_data *apd, uint16_t data_len)
 Parses received AP data and fills information of the AP at "pos". Useful to extract AP information from the data obtained by calling mw_ap_scan() function. More...
enum mw_err mw_ap_assoc (uint8_t slot)
 Tries associating to an AP. If successful, also configures IPv4. More...
enum mw_err mw_ap_assoc_wait (int16_t tout_frames)
 Polls the module status until it reports device is associated to AP or timeout occurs. More...
enum mw_err mw_def_ap_cfg (uint8_t slot)
 Sets default AP/IP configuration. More...
enum mw_err mw_ap_disassoc (void)
 Dissasociates from a previously associated AP. More...
int16_t mw_def_ap_cfg_get (void)
 Gets default AP/IP configuration slot. More...
enum mw_err mw_tcp_connect (uint8_t ch, const char *dst_addr, const char *dst_port, const char *src_port)
 Tries establishing a TCP connection with specified server. More...
enum mw_err mw_close (uint8_t ch)
 Closes and disconnects a socket from specified channel. More...
enum mw_err mw_udp_set (uint8_t ch, const char *dst_addr, const char *dst_port, const char *src_port)
 Configures a UDP socket to send/receive data. More...
enum mw_err mw_tcp_bind (uint8_t ch, uint16_t port)
 Binds a socket to a port, and listens to connections on the port. If a connection request is received, it will be automatically accepted. More...
enum mw_err mw_sock_conn_wait (uint8_t ch, int16_t tout_frames)
 Polls a socket until it is ready to transfer data. Typical use of this function is after a successful mw_tcp_bind(). More...
static enum lsd_status mw_recv (char *buf, int16_t len, void *ctx, lsd_recv_cb recv_cb)
 Receive data, asyncrhonous interface. More...
static enum lsd_status mw_udp_reuse_recv (struct mw_reuse_payload *data, int16_t len, void *ctx, lsd_recv_cb recv_cb)
 Receive data using an UDP socket in reuse mode. More...
static enum lsd_status mw_udp_reuse_send (uint8_t ch, const struct mw_reuse_payload *data, int16_t len, void *ctx, lsd_send_cb send_cb)
 Send data using a UDP socket in reuse mode. More...
static enum lsd_status mw_send (uint8_t ch, const char *data, int16_t len, void *ctx, lsd_send_cb send_cb)
 Sends data through a socket, using a previously allocated channel. Asynchronous interface. More...
enum mw_err mw_recv_sync (uint8_t *ch, char *buf, int16_t *buf_len, int16_t tout_frames)
 Receive data, syncrhonous interface. More...
enum mw_err mw_send_sync (uint8_t ch, const char *data, uint16_t len, int16_t tout_frames)
 Sends data through a socket, using a previously allocated channel. Synchronous interface. More...
union mw_msg_sys_statmw_sys_stat_get (void)
 Get system status. More...
enum mw_sock_stat mw_sock_stat_get (uint8_t ch)
 Get socket status. More...
enum mw_err mw_sntp_cfg_set (const char *tz_str, const char *server[3])
 Configure SNTP parameters and timezone. More...
enum mw_err mw_sntp_cfg_get (char **tz_str, char *server[3])
 Get SNTP parameters and timezone configuration. More...
char * mw_date_time_get (uint32_t dt_bin[2])
 Get date and time. More...
enum mw_err mw_flash_id_get (uint8_t *man_id, uint16_t *dev_id)
 Get the identifiers of the flash chip in the WiFi module. More...
enum mw_err mw_flash_sector_erase (uint16_t sect)
 Erase a 4 KiB Flash sector. Every byte of an erased sector will be read as 0xFF. More...
enum mw_err mw_flash_write (uint32_t addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len)
 Write data to specified flash address. More...
uint8_t * mw_flash_read (uint32_t addr, uint16_t data_len)
 Read data from specified flash address. More...
enum mw_err mw_gamertag_set (uint8_t slot, const struct mw_gamertag *gamertag)
 Set gamertag information for one slot. More...
struct mw_gamertagmw_gamertag_get (uint8_t slot)
 Get gamertag information for one slot. More...
enum mw_err mw_log (const char *msg)
 Write a message to the WiFi module log trace. More...
enum mw_err mw_factory_settings (void)
 Set factory default configuration. More...
void mw_power_off (void)
 Powers off the WiFi module. More...
void mw_sleep (int16_t frames)
 Sleep the specified amount of frames. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_url_set (const char *url)
 Set URL for HTTP requests. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_method_set (enum mw_http_method method)
 Set method for HTTP requests. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_header_add (const char *key, const char *value)
 Add an HTTP header. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_header_del (const char *key)
 Delete a previously added HTTP header. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_open (uint32_t content_len)
 Open HTTP connection. More...
int16_t mw_http_finish (uint32_t *content_len, int16_t tout_frames)
 Finish an opened HTTP request. More...
uint32_t mw_http_cert_query (void)
 Query the X.509 hash of the installed PEM certificate. More...
enum mw_err mw_http_cert_set (uint32_t cert_hash, const char *cert, uint16_t cert_len)
 Set the PEM certificate to use on HTTPS requests. More...
int16_t mw_http_cleanup (void)
 Clean-up an HTTP request, freeing associated resources. More...
char * mw_def_server_get (void)
 Get the default server used for MegaWiFi connections. More...
enum mw_err mw_def_server_set (const char *server_url)
 Set the default server used for MegaWiFi connections. More...
uint8_t * mw_hrng_get (uint16_t rnd_len)
 Get random numbers. More...
enum mw_err mw_ga_endpoint_set (const char *endpoint, const char *priv_key)
 Set endpoint for Game API. More...
enum mw_err mw_ga_key_value_add (const char **key, const char **value, uint16_t num_pairs)
 Add parameters to the Game API request in key/value format. More...
int16_t mw_ga_request (enum mw_http_method method, const char **path, uint8_t num_paths, const char **key, const char **value, uint8_t num_kv_pairs, uint32_t *content_len, int16_t tout_frames)
 Perform a GameAPI request, with the previously set endpoint and key/value pairs. More...
enum mw_err mw_fw_upgrade (const char *name)
 Over-The-Air upgrade WiFi module firmware. More...
static enum lsd_status mw_cmd_send (mw_cmd *cmd, void *ctx, lsd_send_cb send_cb)
 Send a command to the WiFi module. More...
static enum lsd_status mw_cmd_recv (mw_cmd *rep, void *ctx, lsd_recv_cb recv_cb)
 Try obtaining a reply to a command. More...

Detailed Description

MegaWiFi API implementation.

API to communicate with the wifi module and the Internet. API calls are documented and most of them are self explanatory. Mostly the only weird thing about the API is UDP reuse mode. If you enable reuse mode (setting the dst_addr and/or dst_port to NULL in the mw_udp_set() call), received data will prepend the IP and port of the peer (using mw_reuse_payload data structure), and data to be sent also requires the IP and port to be prepended to the payload.

Jesus Alonso (doragasu)
This module uses a loop_timer from the loop module.
Missing a lot of integrity checks, also module should track used channels, and is not currently doing it

Macro Definition Documentation



API version implemented, major number.

Definition at line 36 of file megawifi.h.



API version implemented, minor number.

Definition at line 39 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_ASSOC_TOUT_MS   20000

Timeout for the AP associate command in milliseconds.

Definition at line 50 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_ASSOC_WAIT_SLEEP_MS   5000

Time to sleep before waiting for assoc in milliseconds.

Definition at line 52 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_CMD_MIN_BUFLEN   168

Minimum command buffer length to be able to send all available commands with minimum data payload. This length might not guarantee that commands like mw_sntp_cfg_set() can be sent if payload length is big enough).

Definition at line 115 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_COMMAND_TOUT_MS   1000

Timeout for standard commands in milliseconds.

Definition at line 42 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_CONNECT_TOUT_MS   10000

Timeout for TCP connections.

Definition at line 44 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_CTRL_CH   0

Control channel used for LSD protocol.

Definition at line 108 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_FSM_QUEUE_LEN   8

Length of the FSM queue.

Definition at line 104 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_HTTP_CH   LSD_MAX_CH - 1

Channel used for HTTP requests and cert sets.

Definition at line 110 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_HTTP_OPEN_TOUT_MS   10000

Timeout for HTTP open command in milliseconds.

Definition at line 46 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_MAX_SOCK   3

Maximum number of simultaneous TCP connections.

Definition at line 106 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_module_reset

#define mw_module_reset ( )    do{uart_set_bits(MCR, MW__RESET);}while(0)

Puts the WiFi module in reset state.

Definition at line 664 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_module_start

#define mw_module_start ( )    do{uart_clr_bits(MCR, MW__RESET);}while(0)

Releases the module from reset state.

Definition at line 669 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_NTP_POOL_MAXLEN   80

Maximum length of an NTP pool URI (including '\0').

Definition at line 98 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_NUM_CFG_SLOTS   3

Number of AP configurations stored to nvflash.

Definition at line 100 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_NUM_DNS_SERVERS   2

Number of DSN servers supported per AP configuration.

Definition at line 102 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_PASS_MAXLEN   64

Maximum password length (including '\0').

Definition at line 96 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_SCAN_TOUT_MS   10000

Timeout for the AP scan command in milliseconds.

Definition at line 48 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_SSID_MAXLEN   32

Maximum SSID length (including '\0').

Definition at line 94 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_STAT_POLL_MS   250

Milliseconds between status polls while in wm_ap_assoc_wait()

Definition at line 56 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_tcp_disconnect

#define mw_tcp_disconnect (   ch)    mw_close(ch)

Closes a TCP socket. This is an alias of mw_close().

Definition at line 412 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_udp_unset

#define mw_udp_unset (   ch)    mw_close(ch)

Frees a UDP socket. This is an alias of mw_close().

Definition at line 430 of file megawifi.h.


#define MW_UPGRADE_TOUT_MS   180000

Timeout for upgrade command in milliseconds.

Definition at line 54 of file megawifi.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ mw_err

enum mw_err

Error codes for MegaWiFi API functions.


No error (success)


General error.


Not ready to run command.


Command buffer is too small.


Input parameter out of range.


Error sending data.


Error receiving data.

Definition at line 59 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_http_method

Supported HTTP methods.


HTTP GET Method.




HTTP PUT Method.















Definition at line 70 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_if_type

enum mw_if_type

Interface type for the mw_bssid_get() function.


Station interface.


Access Point interface.


Number of supported interface types.

Definition at line 127 of file megawifi.h.

Function Documentation

◆ mw_ap_assoc()

enum mw_err mw_ap_assoc ( uint8_t  slot)

Tries associating to an AP. If successful, also configures IPv4.

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
MW_ERR_NONE if AP join operation has been successfully started,

◆ mw_ap_assoc_wait()

enum mw_err mw_ap_assoc_wait ( int16_t  tout_frames)

Polls the module status until it reports device is associated to AP or timeout occurs.

[in]tout_framesMaximun number of frames to wait for association. Set to TSK_PEND_FOREVER for an infinite wait.
MW_ERR_NONE if device is associated to AP. MW_ERR_NOT_READY if the timeout has expired.

◆ mw_ap_cfg_get()

enum mw_err mw_ap_cfg_get ( uint8_t  slot,
char **  ssid,
char **  pass,
enum mw_phy_type phy_type 

Gets access point configuration (SSID and password).

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
[out]ssidString with the AP SSID got.
[out]passString with the AP SSID got.
[out]phy_typeBitmask with the PHY type configuration.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
ssid is zero padded up to 32 bytes, and pass is zero padded up to 64 bytes. If ssid is 32 bytes, it will NOT be NULL terminated. Also if pass is 64 bytes, it will NOT be NULL terminated.

◆ mw_ap_cfg_set()

enum mw_err mw_ap_cfg_set ( uint8_t  slot,
const char *  ssid,
const char *  pass,
enum mw_phy_type  phy_type 

Set access point configuration (SSID and password).

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
[in]ssidString with the AP SSID to set.
[in]passString with the AP SSID to set.
[in]phy_typeBitmask with the PHY type configuration.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
Strings must be NULL terminated. Maximum SSID length is 32 bytes, maximum pass length is 64 bytes.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_ap_disassoc()

enum mw_err mw_ap_disassoc ( void  )

Dissasociates from a previously associated AP.

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_ap_fill_next()

int16_t mw_ap_fill_next ( const char *  ap_data,
uint16_t  pos,
struct mw_ap_data apd,
uint16_t  data_len 

Parses received AP data and fills information of the AP at "pos". Useful to extract AP information from the data obtained by calling mw_ap_scan() function.

[in]ap_dataAccess point data obtained from mw_ap_scan().
[in]posPosition at which to extract data.
[out]apdPointer to the extracted data from an AP.
[in]data_lenLenght of apData.
Position of the next AP entry in apData, 0 if no more APs available or MW_ERROR if ap data/pos combination is not valid.
This functions executes locally, does not communicate with the WiFi module.

◆ mw_ap_scan()

int16_t mw_ap_scan ( enum mw_phy_type  phy_type,
char **  ap_data,
uint8_t *  aps 

Scan for access points.

[in]phy_typeBitmask with the PHY type configuration.
[out]ap_dataData of the found access points. Each entry has the format specified on the mw_ap_data structure.
[out]apsNumber of found access points.
Length in bytes of the output data if operation completes successfully, or -1 if scan fails.

◆ mw_bssid_get()

uint8_t * mw_bssid_get ( enum mw_if_type  interface_type)

Gets the module BSSID (the MAC address) for the specified interface.

[in]interface_typeType of the interface to obtain BSSID from.
The requested BSSID (6 byte binary data), or NULL on error.

◆ mw_cfg_save()

enum mw_err mw_cfg_save ( void  )

Saves changed configuration parameters to non-volatile memory.

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_close()

enum mw_err mw_close ( uint8_t  ch)

Closes and disconnects a socket from specified channel.

This function can be used to free the channel associated to both TCP and UDP sockets.

[in]chChannel associated to the socket to disconnect.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_cmd_data_cb_set()

void mw_cmd_data_cb_set ( lsd_recv_cb  cmd_recv_cb)

Sets the callback function to be run when network data is received while waiting for a command reply.

[in]cmd_recv_cbCallback to be run when data is received while waiting for a command reply.
If this callback is not set, data received while waiting for a command reply will be silently discarded.

◆ mw_cmd_recv()

static enum lsd_status mw_cmd_recv ( mw_cmd rep,
void *  ctx,
lsd_recv_cb  recv_cb 

Try obtaining a reply to a command.

[in]repBuffer to hold the command reply.
[in]ctxContext for the reception callback.
[in]recv_cbCallback for data reception completion.
Status of the reception procedure.

Definition at line 968 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_cmd_send()

static enum lsd_status mw_cmd_send ( mw_cmd cmd,
void *  ctx,
lsd_send_cb  send_cb 

Send a command to the WiFi module.

[in]cmdPointer to the filled mw_cmd command structure.
[in]ctxContext for callback function.
[in]send_cbCallback for the send operation completion.
Status of the send procedure.

Definition at line 951 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_date_time_get()

char * mw_date_time_get ( uint32_t  dt_bin[2])

Get date and time.

[out]dt_binDate and time in seconds since Epoch. If set to NULL, this info is not filled (but return value will still be properly set).
A string with the date and time in textual format, e.g.: "Thu Mar 3 12:26:51 2016", or NULL if error.

◆ mw_def_ap_cfg()

enum mw_err mw_def_ap_cfg ( uint8_t  slot)

Sets default AP/IP configuration.

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_def_ap_cfg_get()

int16_t mw_def_ap_cfg_get ( void  )

Gets default AP/IP configuration slot.

The default configuration slot, of -1 on error.

◆ mw_def_server_get()

char * mw_def_server_get ( void  )

Get the default server used for MegaWiFi connections.

The server URL string, or NULL on error.

◆ mw_def_server_set()

enum mw_err mw_def_server_set ( const char *  server_url)

Set the default server used for MegaWiFi connections.

[in]server_urlThe server URL to set.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_default_cfg_set()

enum mw_err mw_default_cfg_set ( void  )

Set default module configuration (AKA factory settings).

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
For this command to take effect, it must be followed by a module reset.

◆ mw_detect()

enum mw_err mw_detect ( uint8_t *  major,
uint8_t *  minor,
char **  variant 

Performs the startup sequence for the WiFi module, and tries detecting it by requesting the version data.

[out]majorMajor version number.
[out]minorMinor version number.
[out]variantString with firmware variant ("std" for standard).
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_factory_settings()

enum mw_err mw_factory_settings ( void  )

Set factory default configuration.

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
It is recommended to reboot the module after this command.

◆ mw_flash_id_get()

enum mw_err mw_flash_id_get ( uint8_t *  man_id,
uint16_t *  dev_id 

Get the identifiers of the flash chip in the WiFi module.

[out]man_idID of the flash chip manufacturer.
[out]dev_idDevice IDs of the flash chip.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_flash_read()

uint8_t * mw_flash_read ( uint32_t  addr,
uint16_t  data_len 

Read data from specified flash address.

[in]addrAddress from which data will be read.
[in]data_lenNumber of bytes to read from addr.
Pointer to read data on success, or NULL if command failed.

◆ mw_flash_sector_erase()

enum mw_err mw_flash_sector_erase ( uint16_t  sect)

Erase a 4 KiB Flash sector. Every byte of an erased sector will be read as 0xFF.

[in]sectSector number to erase.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_flash_write()

enum mw_err mw_flash_write ( uint32_t  addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  data_len 

Write data to specified flash address.

[in]addrAddress to which data will be written.
[in]dataData to be written to flash chip.
[in]data_lenLength in bytes of data field.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_fw_upgrade()

enum mw_err mw_fw_upgrade ( const char *  name)

Over-The-Air upgrade WiFi module firmware.

[in]nameName of the firmware blob to upgrade. E.g. "mw_rtos_std_v1.4.1"
Status of the send procedure.

◆ mw_ga_endpoint_set()

enum mw_err mw_ga_endpoint_set ( const char *  endpoint,
const char *  priv_key 

Set endpoint for Game API.

Example endpoint for GameJolt: "".

[in]endpointEndpoint for the Game API to set.
[in]priv_keyPrivate key used for request signatures.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
The endpoint set persists between successive mw_ga_request() calls.

◆ mw_ga_key_value_add()

enum mw_err mw_ga_key_value_add ( const char **  key,
const char **  value,
uint16_t  num_pairs 

Add parameters to the Game API request in key/value format.

Example key:value pair for GameJolt: "game_id":"123456".

[in]keyArray with the keys to add.
[in]valueArray with the values to add
[in]num_pairsNumber of key/value pairs to add.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
The key/value pairs set persist between successive mw_ga_request() calls.
Call mw_ga_key_value_add(NULL, NULL, 0) to clear previously set key/value pairs.
Key/value pairs must NOT be URL encoded. Encoding is handled internally.

◆ mw_ga_request()

int16_t mw_ga_request ( enum mw_http_method  method,
const char **  path,
uint8_t  num_paths,
const char **  key,
const char **  value,
uint8_t  num_kv_pairs,
uint32_t *  content_len,
int16_t  tout_frames 

Perform a GameAPI request, with the previously set endpoint and key/value pairs.

The request can also have URL encoded parameters. that are added to the previously set key/value pairs.

Example request for GameJolt:

  • method: MW_HTTP_METHOD_GET
  • path: "trophies"
  • key:value: "achieved":"true"
[in]methodHTTP method to use. Most likely MW_HTTP_METHOD_GET.
[in]pathAdditional paths to add to the request.
[in]num_pathsNumber of additional paths to add.
[in]keyAdditional paths to add to the request.
[in]valueAdditional paths to add to the request.
[in]num_kv_pairsNumber of key/value pairs.
[out]content_lenContent length of the API response.
[in]tout_framesNumber of frames to wait before canceling the request due to a timeout error.
HTTP status code on success (e.g. 200), or an error (lower than 100) if the HTTP request could not be completed.
Even if the HTTP request is completed, that does not mean there are no errors, if the returned status code is 4xx or 5xx, there is a client side or server side error.
path, key and value parameters must not be URL encoded. Encoding is handled internally.

◆ mw_gamertag_get()

struct mw_gamertag * mw_gamertag_get ( uint8_t  slot)

Get gamertag information for one slot.

[in]slotSlot to get gamertag from.
Gamertag information on success, NULL on error.

◆ mw_gamertag_set()

enum mw_err mw_gamertag_set ( uint8_t  slot,
const struct mw_gamertag gamertag 

Set gamertag information for one slot.

[in]slotSlot to use (from 0 to 2).
[in]gamertagGamertag information to set on specified slot.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_hrng_get()

uint8_t * mw_hrng_get ( uint16_t  rnd_len)

Get random numbers.

[in]rnd_lenNumber of bytes of resulting random array.
The buffer with the requested random numbers on success, or NULL when error.

◆ mw_http_cert_query()

uint32_t mw_http_cert_query ( void  )

Query the X.509 hash of the installed PEM certificate.

0xFFFFFFFF if certificate is not installed or error occurs, or the installed X.509 certificate hash on success.

◆ mw_http_cert_set()

enum mw_err mw_http_cert_set ( uint32_t  cert_hash,
const char *  cert,
uint16_t  cert_len 

Set the PEM certificate to use on HTTPS requests.

The certificate is stored on the non volatile memory of the module, and when present will be used in HTTPS requestes. This function can also be used to delete a previously saved certificate using a NULL input value.

[in]cert_hashX.509 hash of the certificate to set, ignored if cert_len set to 0.
[in]certPEM certificate in plain text. Ignored if cert_len set to 0. previously stored certificate.
[in]cert_lenCertificate length in bytes. Set to 0 to delete a previously stored certificate.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_cleanup()

int16_t mw_http_cleanup ( void  )

Clean-up an HTTP request, freeing associated resources.

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_finish()

int16_t mw_http_finish ( uint32_t *  content_len,
int16_t  tout_frames 

Finish an opened HTTP request.

After a successful call to mw_http_open(), and sending the content (if any), call this function to receive the HTTP response headers, and obtain the length of the body to receive with a further call to mw_recv() or mw_recv_sync(), using MW_HTTP_CH.

[out]content_lenLength of the response content to receive after a successfull call to this function.
[in]tout_framesMaximun number of frames to wait for reply.
The HTTP status code if the request was completed, or an error code (lower than 100) if the HTTP request did not complete.
Even if the HTTP request is completed, that does not mean there are no errors, if the returned status code is 4xx or 5xx, there is a client side or server side error.

◆ mw_http_header_add()

enum mw_err mw_http_header_add ( const char *  key,
const char *  value 

Add an HTTP header.

[in]keyHeader key.
[in]valueValue to set for the key.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_header_del()

enum mw_err mw_http_header_del ( const char *  key)

Delete a previously added HTTP header.

[in]keyKey of the header to delete.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_method_set()

enum mw_err mw_http_method_set ( enum mw_http_method  method)

Set method for HTTP requests.

[in]methodMethod to set.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_open()

enum mw_err mw_http_open ( uint32_t  content_len)

Open HTTP connection.

This functions opens the HTTP connection, sends the HTTP headers, and prepares the module to send the specified content_len if (if any) with a successive mw_send() or mw_send_sync(), using MW_HTTP_CH channel.

[in]content_lenLength of the content to write in HTTP request, after a successfull call to this function.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_http_url_set()

enum mw_err mw_http_url_set ( const char *  url)

Set URL for HTTP requests.

[in]urlURL to set.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_init()

int16_t mw_init ( char *  cmd_buf,
uint16_t  buf_len 

Module initialization. Must be called once before using any other function. It also initializes de UART.

[in]cmd_bufPointer to the buffer used to send and receive commands.
[in]buf_lenLength of cmdBuf in bytes.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_ip_cfg_get()

enum mw_err mw_ip_cfg_get ( uint8_t  slot,
struct mw_ip_cfg **  ip 

Get IPv4 configuration.

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
[out]ipDouble pointer to mw_ip_cfg structure, with IP conf.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_ip_cfg_set()

enum mw_err mw_ip_cfg_set ( uint8_t  slot,
const struct mw_ip_cfg ip 

Set IPv4 configuration.

[in]slotConfiguration slot to use.
[in]ipPointer to the mw_ip_cfg structure, with IP configuration.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_ip_current()

enum mw_err mw_ip_current ( struct mw_ip_cfg **  ip)

Get current IP configuration, of the joined AP.

[out]ipDouble pointer to mw_ip_cfg structure, with IP conf.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_log()

enum mw_err mw_log ( const char *  msg)

Write a message to the WiFi module log trace.

[in]msgMessage to write to the log trace.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_power_off()

void mw_power_off ( void  )

Powers off the WiFi module.

The module will be put in deep sleep mode. To wake it up, the RESET pin must be toggled.

◆ mw_process()

static void mw_process ( void  )

Processes sends/receives pending data.

Call this function as much as possible to process incoming/outgoing data.

No data will be sent/received if this function is not frequently invoked.

Definition at line 152 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_recv()

static enum lsd_status mw_recv ( char *  buf,
int16_t  len,
void *  ctx,
lsd_recv_cb  recv_cb 

Receive data, asyncrhonous interface.

[in]bufReception buffer.
[in]lenLength of the receive buffer.
[in]ctxContext pointer to pass to the reception callbak.
[in]recv_cbCallback to run when reception is complete or errors.
Status of the receive procedure.

Definition at line 466 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_recv_sync()

enum mw_err mw_recv_sync ( uint8_t *  ch,
char *  buf,
int16_t *  buf_len,
int16_t  tout_frames 

Receive data, syncrhonous interface.

[out]chChannel on which data was received.
[out]bufReception buffer.
[in,out]buf_lenOn input, length of the buffer. On output, received data length in bytes.
[in]tout_framesReception timeout in frames. Set to TSK_PEND_FOREVER for infinite wait (dangerous!).
Status of the receive procedure.
Do not use more than one syncrhonous call at once. You must wait until a syncrhonous call ends to issue another one.

◆ mw_send()

static enum lsd_status mw_send ( uint8_t  ch,
const char *  data,
int16_t  len,
void *  ctx,
lsd_send_cb  send_cb 

Sends data through a socket, using a previously allocated channel. Asynchronous interface.

[in]chChannel used to send the data.
[in]dataBuffer to send.
[in]lenLength of the data to send.
[in]ctxContext for the send callback function.
[in]send_cbCallback to run when send completes or errors.
Status of the send procedure. Usually LSD_STAT_BUSY is returned, and the send procedure is then performed in background.
Calling this function while there is a send procedure in progress, will cause the function call to fail with LSD_STAT_SEND_ERR_IN_PROGRESS.
For very short data frames, it is possible that the send callback is run before this function returns. In this case, the function returns LSD_STAT_COMPLETE.

Definition at line 526 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_send_sync()

enum mw_err mw_send_sync ( uint8_t  ch,
const char *  data,
uint16_t  len,
int16_t  tout_frames 

Sends data through a socket, using a previously allocated channel. Synchronous interface.

[in]chChannel used to send the data.
[in]dataBuffer to send.
[in]lenLength of the data to send.
[in]tout_framesTimeout for send operation in frames. Set to 0 for infinite wait (dangerous!).
Status of the send procedure. Usually LSD_STAT_BUSY is returned, and the send procedure is then performed in background.
Do not use more than one syncrhonous call at once. You must wait until a syncrhonous call ends to issue another one.

◆ mw_sleep()

void mw_sleep ( int16_t  frames)

Sleep the specified amount of frames.

[in]framesNumber of frames to sleep.

◆ mw_sntp_cfg_get()

enum mw_err mw_sntp_cfg_get ( char **  tz_str,
char *  server[3] 

Get SNTP parameters and timezone configuration.

[out]tz_strTimezone string (e.g. "CET"). See tzset(3) for details.
[out]serverArray of three NTP server pointers. If less than 3 servers are configured, unused ones will be NULL.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_sntp_cfg_set()

enum mw_err mw_sntp_cfg_set ( const char *  tz_str,
const char *  server[3] 

Configure SNTP parameters and timezone.

[in]tz_strTimezone string (e.g. "CET"). See tzset(3) for details.
[in]serverArray of up to three NTP servers. If less than three servers are desired, unused entries must be empty.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
After a successful invocation, call mw_cfg_save() for changes to be persistent

◆ mw_sock_conn_wait()

enum mw_err mw_sock_conn_wait ( uint8_t  ch,
int16_t  tout_frames 

Polls a socket until it is ready to transfer data. Typical use of this function is after a successful mw_tcp_bind().

[in]chChannel associated to the socket to monitor.
[in]tout_framesMaximum number of frames to wait for connection. Set to 0 for an infinite wait.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_sock_stat_get()

enum mw_sock_stat mw_sock_stat_get ( uint8_t  ch)

Get socket status.

[in]chChannel associated to the socket asked for status.
Socket status data on success, or -1 on error.

◆ mw_sys_stat_get()

union mw_msg_sys_stat * mw_sys_stat_get ( void  )

Get system status.

Pointer to system status structure on success, or NULL on error.

◆ mw_tcp_bind()

enum mw_err mw_tcp_bind ( uint8_t  ch,
uint16_t  port 

Binds a socket to a port, and listens to connections on the port. If a connection request is received, it will be automatically accepted.

[in]chChannel associated to the socket bound t port.
[in]portPort number to which the socket will be bound.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_tcp_connect()

enum mw_err mw_tcp_connect ( uint8_t  ch,
const char *  dst_addr,
const char *  dst_port,
const char *  src_port 

Tries establishing a TCP connection with specified server.

[in]chChannel used for the connection.
[in]dst_addrAddress (IP or DNS entry) of the server.
[in]dst_portPort in which server is listening.
[in]src_portPort from which try establishing connection. Set to 0 or empty string for automatic port allocation.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code if connection failed.

◆ mw_udp_reuse_recv()

static enum lsd_status mw_udp_reuse_recv ( struct mw_reuse_payload data,
int16_t  len,
void *  ctx,
lsd_recv_cb  recv_cb 

Receive data using an UDP socket in reuse mode.

[in]dataReceive buffer including the remote address and the data payload.
[in]lenLength of the receive buffer.
[in]ctxContext pointer to pass to the reception callbak.
[in]recv_cbCallback to run when reception is complete or errors.
Status of the receive procedure.

Definition at line 483 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_udp_reuse_send()

static enum lsd_status mw_udp_reuse_send ( uint8_t  ch,
const struct mw_reuse_payload data,
int16_t  len,
void *  ctx,
lsd_send_cb  send_cb 

Send data using a UDP socket in reuse mode.

[in]chChannel to use for the send operation.
[in]dataSend buffer including the remote address and the data payload.
[in]lenLength of the receive buffer.
[in]ctxContext pointer to pass to the reception callbak.
[in]send_cbCallback to run when sending completes or errors.
Status of the receive procedure.

Definition at line 501 of file megawifi.h.

◆ mw_udp_set()

enum mw_err mw_udp_set ( uint8_t  ch,
const char *  dst_addr,
const char *  dst_port,
const char *  src_port 

Configures a UDP socket to send/receive data.

[in]chChannel used for the connection.
[in]dst_addrAddress (IP or DNS entry) to send data to.
[in]dst_portPort to send data to.
[in]src_portLocal port to listen message on.
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code if connection failed.
Setting to NULL dst_addr and/or dst_port, enables reuse mode.

◆ mw_version_get()

enum mw_err mw_version_get ( uint8_t  version[3],
char **  variant 

Obtain module version numbers and string.

[out]versionVersion numbers (major, minor, micro) in order.
[out]variantString with firmware variant ("std" for standard).
MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.

◆ mw_wifi_adv_cfg_get()

struct mw_wifi_adv_cfg * mw_wifi_adv_cfg_get ( void  )

Get advanced WiFi configuration.

Pointer to the advanced WiFi configuration, or NULL on error.

◆ mw_wifi_adv_cfg_set()

enum mw_err mw_wifi_adv_cfg_set ( const struct mw_wifi_adv_cfg wifi)

Set advanced WiFi configuration.

MW_ERR_NONE on success, other code on failure.
This function is dangerous. Changing these parameters is rarely needed, and setting incorrect values, may render the connection unstable and/or crash the WiFi module. Invalid configurations can even cause the module to crash in a bootloop, requiring a programmer to unbrick it. Make sure you thoroughly test the values you allow users to set here.
If you want to change WiFi parameters, the recommendation is to get the current configuration via mw_wifi_adv_cfg_get(), and from it change only the required parameters.
These parameters will not take effect until saved to non-volatile storage (with mw_cfg_save()) and issuing a module reboot.